- Title:
- Simple dark xdm greeter
- Authors:
- Paolo Vincenzo Olivo
- Date:
- Topics:
- NetBSD
- Id:
- 0f0145
A minimal dark configuration for the XLogin prompt. Back up your /etc/X11/xdm/Xresources and replace it with the following. This example uses spectrum's <https://github.com/cmvnd/fonts> bitmap font, but you can replace it with whatever compels you most. You may also add a somthing lile `xsetroot -solid #151515` to get a consistent background color.
xlogin.Login.greeting: X Display Manager xlogin.Login.unsecureGreeting: xlogin.Login.fail: wrong guess. xlogin.Login.changePasswdMessage: change. xlogin.Login.namePrompt: username: xlogin.Login.passwdPrompt: password: xlogin.Login.echoPasswd: true xlogin.Login.background: #1c1b19 xlogin.Login.foreground: #fce8c3 xlogin.Login.failColor: #e02c6d xlogin.Login.inpColor: #1c1b19 xlogin.Login.promptColor: #baa67f xlogin.Login.greetColor: #baa67f xlogin.Login.face: antidote:size=8 xlogin.Login.failFace: antidote:size=8 xlogin.Login.promptFace: antidote:size=8 xlogin.Login.greetFace: antidote:size=8 xlogin.Login.frameWidth: 0 xlogin.Login.innerFramesWidth: 0 xlogin.Login.sepWidth: 0 xlogin.Login.width: 240 xlogin.Login.height: 135