RetroBSD Net
Music Player Daemon (MPD) on NetBSD
Paolo Vincenzo Olivo

MPD (music player daemon) is an audio player that has a server-client architecture. It plays audio files, organizes playlists and maintains a music database, all while using very few resources. In order to interface with it, a separate client is needed.

OP's choice falls on vimpc, but you may prefer the more popular ncmpccp, a graphical client like GMPC or Cantata, or a Web frontend like ympd. All those are available on pkgsrc.

This tutorial will also show how to bind volume and multimedia keys in CTWM, and how to set up custom desktop notifications for terminal clients, thus to show the currently playing track and the relevant album cover.

Note: This tutorial assumes mpd to be run as a user process (not as a rc service).

■ Preliminary tasks:

1. install: - audio/musicpd - audio/mpc (cli-client, required for bindings) - audio/vimpc (or other client)

2. place you music inside the desired folder (here we'll use ~/Music)

3. prepare mpd's directory:

$ mkdir -p ~/.mpd/playlist $ for f in db log pid state stick; do > touch ~/.mpd/${f} > done

4. Configure MPD. Edit a ~/.mpd/mpd.conf file as follows. We will use SunAudio (audio(4)) as backend.

music_directory "~/Music" playlist_directory "~/.mpd/playlist" log_file "~/.mpd/log" pid_file "~/.mpd/pid" state_file "~/.mpd/state" sticker_file "~/.mpd/stick" bind_to_address "" port "6600" max_connections "5" auto_update "yes" mixer_type "software" filesystem_charset "UTF-8"

database { plugin "simple" path "~/.mpd/db" }

audio_output { type "solaris" name "sunaudio" device "/dev/audio" } # optional, only needed for visualizers # adjust the fifo path to something user-writable audio_output { type "fifo" name "my_fifo" path "/tmp/run/1000/mpd.fifo" format "44100:16:2" }

5. environment

MPD_HOST="" MPD_PORT="6600" MPC_FORMAT="%title% \n%artist% - %album%"

■ First run

First run mpd in foreground to check everything is in place. mpd shall scan the music directory for songs and add them to the database

$ mpd --no-daemon --verbose --stderr

If anything went right you can add `/usr/pkg/bin/mpd &` to your X startup script.

Testing playback

With mpd running in background this time, let's test playback using the `mpc` client.

$ mpc searchadd title "satellite of love" $ mpc play Satellite of love The Velvet Underground - [playing] #1/1 0:00/3:43 (0%) volume:100% repeat: off random: off single: off consume: off

■ Using vimpc

Edit a ~/.vimpcrc file as follows:

echo Parsing config file

"-- colours " hi <prop> <bg> <fg> hi tab default white hi status default white hi current default green hi id default yellow hi pager default magenta hi error default red hi progress default cyan

"-- settings " default tab set window playlist " tabs to open upon startup set windows help,library,browse,playlist " stop playing music upon exiting set stoponquit set autoscroll set colour "highlight search result set hlsearch "wrap search results set searchwrap "case insensitive searching set ignorecase set sortignorethe set sortignorecase set mouse set local-music-dir ~/Music set libraryformat %n \| {%t}|{%f}$E$R $H[$H%l$H]$H set songformat {%a - %b - %t}|{%f}$E$R [%l] " set songformat {%a$A33%b$A66%t}|{%f}$E$R [%l] " set songformat {%?}|{%f}$E$R $H[$H%l$H]$H " set songformat {{%?}|{%?}}|{%f}$E$R $H[$H%l$H]$H

"-- bindings map q ZQ map Q ZQ map <C-N> gt map <C-P> gT map gf :browse<C-M>gg/ map gs :shuffle<C-M> map ga :addall<C-M>:shuffle<C-M> map gl :load map 'a :findartist! map 'g :findgenre! map 'b :findalbum! map <BS> f map <Space> p

"-- autocmds " playlist consume "consume on " update database update "turn on shuffle shuffle "start playing "play 1

echo Config File Complete

As you can see, vimpc has a strongly vi-influenced command syntax and lexicon. At this point you can launch the client in a terminal emulator or in wscons and test it. The first panel is a help screen which will allow you to quickly become comfortable with the client.

■ Desktop notifications

I use the following `mpdnotify` script, to display the currently playing song (requires libnotify, ffmpeg and a running notification daemon). #!/bin/sh

LIBRARY="${HOME}/Music" ICONPATH="${HOME}/.icons/Sardi-Ghost-Flexible" DEFAULT_IMG="${ICONPATH}/scalable/apps/gnome-music.svg" FFMPEG="/usr/pkg/bin/ffmpeg"

if [ -x "$FFMPEG" ]; then \ ffmpeg -y -i "$(mpc --format "$LIBRARY"/%file% \ | head -n 1)" /tmp/mpd_cover.jpg > /dev/null 2>&1 else notify-send -u critical "ffmpeg not found" fi

[ -n "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ] && \ notify-send -u low -i /tmp/mpd_cover.jpg "Now Playing ♫" \ "$(mpc --format "%title% \n%artist% - %album%" current)" || \ notify-send -u low -i $DEFAULT_IMG "Now Playing ♫" \ "$(mpc --format "%title% \n%artist% - %album%" current)"

The following `vol` script displays the current volume level (percentage) as a desktop notification. #!/bin/sh VOL=$(mixerctl -n outputs.master | cut -d , -f 1 | \ awk '{print $1/254*100}' | cut -d . -f 1) notify-send "volume: $VOL %

■ Volume and multimedia keys bindings in CTWM

Inside your ~/.ctwmrc, you may add: # scripts path define(`bindir',`/home/_logname_/.bin') # Now playing "s" = m4 : all : f.exec "bindir/mpdnotify &" # Volume keys "XF86AudioLowerVolume" = : all : f.exec "mixerctl -w outputs.master-=3,3 ; sh bindir/vol" "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = : all : f.exec "mixerctl -w outputs.master+=3,3 ; sh bindir/vol" "XF86AudioMute" = : all : f.exec "mixerctl -w outputs.master.mute=on ; sh bindir/vol" # Multimedia Keys "XF86AudioPlay" = : all : f.exec "mpc play > /dev/null 2>&1 ; sh bindir/mpdnotify" "XF86AudioStop" = : all : f.exec "mpc pause > /dev/null 2>&1 ; notify-send 'playback stopped'" "XF86AudioPrev" = : all : f.exec "mpc prev > /dev/null 2>&1 ; sh bindir/mpdnotify" "XF86AudioNext" = : all : f.exec "mpc next > /dev/null 2>&1 ; sh bindir/mpdnotify"

This: - will bind volume keys to a suitable mixerctl command which lowers or increases volume by 3% and triggers the `vol` script. - will bind multimedia keys to suitable mpc commands and trigger desktop notifications by invoking the `mpdnotify` script.

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